Head of Institution's
Welcome Message
Welcome to the European Global Varsity!
I am delighted to share our purpose and worry that motivated us to initiate European Global Varsity. European Global Varsity is initiated to serve common purpose of enhancing quality education, to promote community, collaborations and competency building using active learning strategies and internships.
Quality of academics around the world has witnessed serious deterioration at many places that resulted in overarching issues in the society. These issues are increasing skills gap, increasing unemployment and under-employment, decreasing income level, deteriorating working conditions and overall stress. The changing nature of jobs due to exponential technology enhancement which remain unmatched with linear growing skill sets has resulted in a continuous stress amongst the workforce. And unfortunately, many educational providers to date follow traditional model of academic delivery methodologies. This scenario depicted need for quality academics.
The academic standards and Andragogy are varied at varied institutions. But a learner deserves an equitable high level of learning.
The aforementioned tension in academics has motivated us to initiate a platform where quality of academics and competency enhancement of learners is of prime relevance.
Our big network of academicians, researchers and industry professionals empowers us in our journey of promoting quality academics. Our team possess experience delivering AACSB level academic programs.
“An able learner is an asset to himself, employer and to the society” and we would like to partner the learner in their journey of being ABLE.
I am glad to share our achievement in successful accreditation by MFHEA to offer the ECTS accredited programmes, please review our page on "Accreditations".
I am also happy to hear any thoughts, ideas and initiatives from all our stakeholders towards promoting this initiative of quality education and promoting employability. Please join our hands in allowing us to make it happen!
Thank you,
Dr. Kanika Gupta
Email: connect@europeanglobalvarsity.com